This trip is full with a waitlist. Sail to Eagle Island for a picnic if weather permits. For Monday's sail, I am watching the weather and will make a... [Read More]
MOAC - Maine Outdoor Adventure Club
Serving Maine’s Outdoor Community Since 1989
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This trip is full with a waitlist. Sail to Eagle Island for a picnic if weather permits. For Monday's sail, I am watching the weather and will make a... [Read More]
Plan "B" to get to the picnic on Eagle Island Monday. For the losers - too late to sign up on the faster boats to this epic happening. This is... [Read More]
Cruise to Eagle Island in Casco Bay, the home polar explorer Admiral Robert Peary. Leave Aspasia marina in South Portland at 10:00 on Blue Glory II a 28 foot power... [Read More]
Show and go walk on the beach starting from Pinepoint. We meet in the Scarborough Municipal parking lot found at the corner of King Street and 5th Avenue. We will... [Read More]