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This trip is full with a waitlist.   Sail to Eagle Island for a picnic if weather permits. For Monday's sail, I am watching the weather and will make a... [Read More]

Lower Class Sail to Eagle Isle!

Plan "B" to get to the picnic on Eagle Island Monday.  For the losers - too late to sign up on the faster boats to this epic happening.  This is... [Read More]

Cruise to Eagle Island in Casco Bay

Cruise to Eagle Island in Casco Bay, the home polar explorer Admiral Robert Peary.  Leave Aspasia marina in South Portland at 10:00 on Blue Glory II a 28 foot power... [Read More]

Sunset beach walk

Show and go walk on the beach starting from Pinepoint. We meet in the Scarborough Municipal parking lot found at the corner of King Street and 5th Avenue. We will... [Read More]