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2023 Holiday Party Tickets NOW on Sale through Eventbrite

HOT DEAL now available!  Get your tickets at BARGAIN at $12.00 for prepurchase through Eventbrite (member pays for eventbrite fee) Another MOAC Party not to be missed.  December 9,... [Read More]


Canoe the Everglades!

Canoe and camp in the tropical wilderness!  Tired of the cold rain, the wet snow, the constant undervalueing of your contribution to society?  Try a human sacrifice and get wright... [Read More]

MOAC General Meeting

Presumpscot Regional Land Trust Representatives from the Presumpscot Regional Land Trust will give the featured presentation at the December membership meeting on Dec. 6. Rachelle Curran Apse and Will Sedlack, the outgoing... [Read More]