Evergreen Cemetery Walk — Portland
We will walk to the rear of Evergreen Cemetery and hike the trials. Trails could be muddy so be prepared. Meet at the gate on Stevens Avenue near the Chapel. ... [Read More]
MOAC - Maine Outdoor Adventure Club
Serving Maine’s Outdoor Community Since 1989
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We will walk to the rear of Evergreen Cemetery and hike the trials. Trails could be muddy so be prepared. Meet at the gate on Stevens Avenue near the Chapel. ... [Read More]
You’re invited to join the Board for the monthly board meeting. They are usually held the 3rd Wednesday of the month on Zoom. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83684200941?pwd=TmErK1ZlU01hYVBKaHQ4T3gvMlVwdz09