Back yard indoor camping – Take Pride in Acadia Weekend
Join the Take Pride in Acadia Weekend crowd but stay at my place in Ellsworth. I have room for 4 or 5 folks at my place in Ellsworth, about 20... [Read More]
MOAC - Maine Outdoor Adventure Club
Serving Maine’s Outdoor Community Since 1989
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Join the Take Pride in Acadia Weekend crowd but stay at my place in Ellsworth. I have room for 4 or 5 folks at my place in Ellsworth, about 20... [Read More]
Your can hover by the food table, figure out your best drink in the beverage area or boogie in the basement. Either way you're invited to join in the merriment. ... [Read More]
For 33 years, volunteers have gathered on the first Saturday of November to help ready the famous carriage roads for winter. Sponsored by Friends of Acadia, teams are assigned troublesome... [Read More]
Here is a 3 for 1 volunteer opportunity: Meet key GBA contributors; Meet other backcountry skiing kindred spirits - usually about 50+ attend glade days Get some exercise, while familiarizing... [Read More]
We will hike the Stroudwater River Trail and Fore River Sanctuary into Jewel Falls. Meet at the end of Hutchins Drive in Portland off outer Congress Street. There is a... [Read More]
It's nailed down! Leaving Nov 2nd, returning Nov. 9th via Boston, JetBlue direct flights! Chartering a 43' Sailboat for a week right close to South America! Cost is $328 air... [Read More]
Hike this abandoned road that cuts across from Hulls Cove (Rt 3) to Eagle Lake Road (Rt 233). The trail/road has loose rocks and roots but is fairly flat. We... [Read More]